Monday, December 6, 2010


I'm on the Earth for a reason, and today's purpose was to teach me to appreciate the weather and NEVER complain about it unless it snows at least 50 cm.

It was absolutely brutal out today in the wonderful city of London, Ontario. It has snowed 60-70cm in the last 20 hours or so, and another 30cm are expected tonight. To put that into perspective: the Canadian record for a 24 hour snow-fall is 145cm at Tahtsa Lake, BC in 1999.

Lucky for me, I had to walk into the lab at 9am. I have a few snapshots of my day outside:

Richmond St at 8:45am. The sun is just coming up.


... Snowvan again

...and again. It kinda looks like a rhinoceros, with the horn. 

House mates building the igloo in the backyard.

Igloo again right before sunset. We stopped for the day, and will continue in daylight tomorrow.